Monthly Archives: December 2012

[Book Review] So, I Married The Anti-Fan


Judul Buku: So, I Married The Anti-Fan
Penulis: Kim Eun Jeong
Genre: Komedi Romantis, Korean Literature, Terjemahan
Penerbit: Penerbit Haru
ISBN: 978-602-98325-4-9
Terbit: September 2012 (cetakan kedua)
Jumlah halaman: 540
Beli di:
Selesai baca: 25 Desember 2012


Aku tinggal dengan idola paling terkenal se-Korea. Tapi… Aku adalah antifan-nya.

H, salah satu bintang pemicu hallyu wave akan tinggal dengan antifan-nya dalam sebuah variety show.

Mr. H: Tentu saja aku bisa menangani antifan-ku. Aku ini pria yang penuh dengan kejutan.

Ms. L: Sebagai antifan-nya, aku akan membuka semua rahasia busuknya. Lihat saja nanti.

Begitu berita itu keluar, para fans Mr. H segera membentuk pertahanan untuk melindungi idolanya. Dan jika Ms. L melukai Mr. H barang sedikitpun maka mereka tidak segan-segan untuk bertindak.

Pertama kali baca sinopsisnya, gue langsung teringat dengan Korean variety show We Got Married. Gue termasuk salah satu penggemar reality show tersebut. Tetapi, instead of getting married with fellow celebrity, Kim Eun Jeong mengemas cerita ini dengan membuat seorang Hallyu star menikah (pura-pura) dengan anti-fannya.

Ceritanya mudah ditebak, Hu Joon si selebriti papan atas jatuh cinta pada anti-fannya, Geun Yeong.
Seperti formula pada kebanyakan K-drama, novel ini juga menceritakan tentang haters turn into lovers. Ada daya tarik tersendiri barangkali dengan formula ini, karena kebanyakan K-drama memang demikian.

Kelucuan terjadi ketika Geun Yeong menyerang Hu Joon di internet, yang kemudian menjadi bumerang bagi dirinya.
Para fans militan Hu Joon berbalik menyerang Geun Yeong, membuat Geun Yeong kewalahan secara fisik.

Pembaca akan mudah bersimpati dengan para tokoh utama, Hu Joon yang terlihat cool di luar tetapi perasa, dan Geon Yeong yang tomboy, ceroboh dan impulsif. Bahkan, gue juga jatuh hati pada sosok Ji Hyang yang protektif dan In Hyong yang rapuh.

Tema novel ini tidak jauh dari cinta. Ringan karena membahas percintaan a la Korea dengan bumbu komedi.

Butuh waktu tiga minggu untuk menghabiskan novel ini karena keterbatasan waktu vs jumlah halaman yang terlalu banyak. Tetapi, secara keseluruhan, novel ini sangat menghibur.

Akhirnya, gue jadi berkhayal membayangkan pemeran tokoh-tokoh dalam novel ini. Di kepala gue, yang muncul sebagai Hu Joon adalah Mickey Yoochun, sedangkan Geun Yeong adalah Park Min Yeong. Sosok Ji Hyang yang tenang dan selalu melindungi, sangat cocok jika diperankan oleh Alex. Lalu, JJ yang menjadi antagonis dalam novel ini paling pantas diperankan oleh MC Mong. Tia anggota girlbang Chocolat saya nilai pas untuk memerankan In Hyong.

Novel ini cocok untuk dibaca saat liburan.



Character Thursday 1: So I Married The Anti-Fan


Nemu blog Fanda dan gue suka banget sama meme yang ini.

Nggak harus diambil dari bacaan klasik.

Saat ini gue masih menyelesaikan buku So I Married The Anti-fan by Kim Eun Jeong terbitan Penerbit Haru.


Buku ini ringan, lucu, walau mudah ketebak tapi cukup menghibur gue yang suka juga nonton K-Drama.
Pemisenya kaya gini: Hallyu star yang kena musibah dan terpaksa harus tinggal bareng anti-fannya.

Kabarnya, novel ini akan diangkat jadi serial.

Saat gue baca buku ini, yang kebayang di kepala adalah:


Yoochun sebagai Hu Joon, artis Hallyu yang masa lalunya sulit. Ia harus menukar ibunya demi ketenaran. Kisah cinta pertamanya berakhir tragis, tapi akhirnya Geun Yeong yang mengisi hari-harinya. Cool dan tenang di luar, tetapi Hu Joon sangat sensitif dan rapuh di dalam. Ia juga suka menjahili Geun Yeong, karena diam-diam ia suka pada Geun Yeong. I can say he’s a typical K-drama hero.


Park Min-yeong as Geun Yeong. It sounds Sungkyunkwan all over again. Tapi nggak ada lagi yang lebih pantes untuk memerankan Geun Yeong, menurut gue ya.
Geun Yeong ceroboh, impulsif, blak-blakan dan tomboy. Ia terpaksa dipecat jadi wartawan karena Hu Joon, atau begitulah menurut pikiran Geun Yeong. Sampai ia akhirnya dengan terpaksa menerima tawaran untuk menjadi bintang reality show dengan Hu Joon karena sudah nggak punya uang. Then hate turns into love.


Alex as Ji Hyang. Manager yang cool, tenang, dan berkarisma, juga loyal terhadap Hu Joon dan melindungi Geun Yeong. Setiap kali Hu Joon dan Geun Yeong mengalami kesusahan, Ji Hyang selalu bisa diandalkan.


MC Mong sebagai JJ. Pantes banget dari ujung rambut sampe kaki. JJ adalah senior Hu Joon di dunia hiburan, dan dia adalah antagonis dari cerita ini. Merebut kekasih Hu Joon, sengaja melakukan hal licik dan yang paling menyebalkan, ia menginginkan apa saja yang dimiliki oleh Hu Joon. Ia juga suka melakukan domestic violence terhadap In Hyong, mantan kekasih Hu Joon.


Tia Hwang from Chocolat as In Hyong, cinta pertama Hu Joon, mantan anggota girlband yang kurang sukses di dunia entertainment. Karena bujuk rayu JJ, ia meninggalkan management-nya untuk pindah bersama JJ, dan ternyata ia disia-siakan.


Ahn Gyoo-ryeon sebagai Mi Jung, sahabat Geun Yong yang mengusir Geun Yong dari apartemennya. Karakter Mi Jung flat karena muncul sedikit di novel ini.

Dan yang cocok untuk memerankan orang tua Geun Yeong:


Lee Moon-sik dan Park Hye-sook.

Moon-sik cocok banget jadi bapak tani yang tinggal di kampung (mengingatkan gue akan perannya di serial Iljimae), sedangkan Hye-sook jutek dan suka gebukin Geun Yeong pake sapu, sama waktu ia gebukin Eric di serial Super Rookie.

Yang tertarik ikutan meme ini, Klik aja.


December Book Haul


Thanks to Periplus Marathon Sale, gue bisa mendapatkan buku-buku ini dengan harga murah. Pertama gue hunting ke Periplus Summarecon Mall, tapi koleksinya nggak banyak dan itungannya pameran. Jadi, pembelanjaan tidak bisa dikalkulasikan di kartu anggota. Promo cc BNI juga ga berlaku.

Pas di Periplus PIM, gue tambah kalap karena dapat additional disc 5% dengan kartu kredit BNI dan pembelanjaan masuk di kartu.

Hasil hunting buku bulan ini:

Fallen series – Lauren Kate
1. Fallen
2. Torment
3. Passion

The Missing series – Margaret Peterson Haddix
4. Found
5. Sent
6. Sabotaged <– kaya judul lagunya Beastie Boys :p
7. Torn

8. The Necromancer – Michael Scott <– seri ini belum lengkap

9. Timeless – Gail Carriger <– belum lengkap

10. The Shack – Wm. Paul Young <– gara-gara liat terjemahannya di Gramedia.

Vampire Academy Series – Richelle Mead
11. Spirit Bound
12. Last Sacrifice <– belum lengkap juga
13. Vampire Academy: The Ultimate Guide

Dark Swan series – Richelle Mead
14. Iron Crowned <– belum lengkap

15. Blood & Ice – Robert Masello

Mirrorworld series – Cornelia Funke
16. Reckless <– baru dapat yang ini

Stephanie Plum series – Janet Evanovich
17. One For The Money
18. Plum Lucky
19. Finger Lickin’ Fifteen <– ngacak abis

Dark Touch series – Amy Meredith
20. Fever <– random abis pas ngambilnya

The Mediator series – Meg Cabot
21. The Mediator 1: Shadowland & Ninth Key

Caster Chronicles – Kami Garcia
22. Beautiful Chaos <– sebenernya punya Ebook-nya lengkap, tapi memang lebih asik baca hardcopy.

House of Night series – P.C. Cast
23. Burned
24. Awakened
25. Destined <– 3 buku terakhir yang berhasil dijarah

26. Sin Tropez – Aita Ighodaro

Charlie Parker series – John Connolly
27. The Lovers <– karena liat covernya, tertarik untuk baca

28. A Visitor’s Guide to Mystic Falls: Your Favorite Authors on The Vampire Diaries <– fangirling :p

Sekarang saatnya nyicil baca.


Wishful Wednesday 3: Caught


Yoohoo… udah pertengahan Desember menjelang Christmas, yay! 


Minggu ini buku pilihan gue adalah Caught: Missing Series Book #5, by Margaret Peterson Haddix.


Ceritanya kemaren gue kalap belanja diskonan di Periplus PIM dan nemu Missing Series buku 1 sampai 4 dengan harga super murah.

Jonah and Katherine come face to face with Albert Einstein in the fifth book of the New York Times bestselling The Missing series.Jonah and Katherine are accustomed to traveling through time, but when learn they next have to return Albert Einstein’s daughter to history, they think it’s a joke—they’ve only heard of his sons. But it turns out that Albert Einstein really did have a daughter, Lieserl, whose 1902 birth and subsequent disappearance was shrouded in mystery. Lieserl was presumed to have died of scarlet fever as an infant. But when Jonah and Katherine return to the early 1900s to fix history, one of Lieserl’s parents seems to understand entirely too much about time travel and what Jonah and Katherine are doing. It’s not Lieserl’s father, either—it’s her mother, Mileva. And Mileva has no intention of letting her daughter disappear.

Pas baca sinopsisnya sih gue sangat tertarik untuk baca buku ini. Walau gue bukan penggemar SciFi, karena ada unsur time travel-nya, gue jadi pengin punya buku ini. Review-nya di Goodreads juga bagus.

Yang mau ikutan Wishful Wednesday gampang banget, klik aja host-nya Astrid.

Selamat hari Rabu.


Pic credit here & there

Book Beginnings on Fridays #2


Please join me every Friday to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires. Please remember to include the title of the book and the author’s name.

Minggu ini gue baca buku Hollywood Wives by Jackie Collins.


First sentences-nya:

He stood in the living room of the small house in Philadelphia. He stood and stared at the three of them. Three pigs. Three laughing faces. Teeth and eyes and hair. Three pigs.


Jackie Collins’ books are my kind of reading. Hollywood banget lengkap dengan skandal, intrik, dan segala kebusukan internal Hollywood.

The character is full of rage and hatred. Dan biasanya kebencian tersebut mengarah pada pembunuhan, khas Jackie Collins.

I’m juggling between this book and So I Married The Anti Fan.

Happy Friday!


Hosted by: Rose City Reader

Promotional Event: Altered Souls (Witch Avenue, #2) by Karice Bolton

altered souls cover

Title: Altered Souls (Witch Avenue #2)
Author: Karice Bolton
Release date: Oct.31st, 2012
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Age Group: Young Adult

Links to find the book:

Book Description:

The realm of Altered Souls brings nothing but unrest, deceit, and pain forcing Triss to come face to face with heartbreak from her past.
Facing a betrayal like never before, Triss questions everything she thought she knew about her family, coven, and abilities.
With the help of Logan, she embarks on a journey enabling her to confront the dark side of magic and the person who controls it. Realizing Triss’s ancestors have been seduced for centuries by the dark side, Triss and Logan must ensure no more in their world fall victim to the realm of Altered Souls, even if that means ending the ones they love.

Giveaway per blog: (1) eBook copy of Lonely Souls (Witch Avenue, #1) or Altered Souls (Witch Avenue, #2). Book will be gifted from Amazon or Barnes and Noble. Mobi and epub formats only. Open International. Participants may handle the giveaway however they would like. All winners must be submitted to this form by Jan. 2.
If a winner does not have an e-reader they can download the Kindle app for free to their computers on Amazon.

Excerpt from the book

As our lips met, the search for our security began. Neither of us wanted to believe that we could lose this. Running my fingers through his hair, I gripped his neck with my other hand. I didn’t want this closeness to end. The firmness of his body stretched along mine as he lifted me into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist, not wanting to detach from his kisses as they led away from my mouth down my neck. Feeling his breath dance across my skin as he kissed my collarbone brought a shivery delight to my senses. The softness of his lips was such a contrast to the firmness of his grasp as he guided his hands down my back.
He spun around, pinning me up against the tree with his weight, as I let my mind wander to what might be waiting for me next. My breathing got faster with each second of anticipation. He slowly brought my chin up and his lips began exploring mine once more. With every kiss, his mouth pressed harder along mine, and my heart exploded with curiosity. I let my hands find their way back to his neck up to his hair, twisting and pulling him closer to me with all of my strength.
He pulled away slightly, and I opened my eyes to see him searching my expression for something. For what, I wasn’t sure.
“I don’t ever want to lose you, Triss.” Logan shook his head. “I couldn’t—”
“Shh.” I placed my index finger to his lips. “You won’t.”
My hand trailed down his chest to the first button that I attempted to unfasten.

About the author:


Karice married the love of her life who she met in high school, and she still can’t get over how cute and funny he is. They have two English Bulldogs that are the cutest bullies in the world, and they use their cuteness to get what they want. Karice loves the snow and gravitates towards the stuff as often as possible! She enjoys skiing and tries really hard to snowboard, but often makes a nice little area to sit while everyone zips by on their board. She enjoys writing, and she also loves to read just about anything with print.

Karice Bolton

Thanks to AtomR Book Blog for hosting this tour.

Wishful Wednesday 2: The Rise of Nine


12.12.12 <— this must be a very special Wishful Wednesday.

This week's pick is The Rise of Nine, buku ketiga Lorien Legacies karya Pittacus Lore.

Until the day I met John Smith, Number Four, I’d been on the run alone, hiding and fighting to stay alive.

Together, we are much more powerful. But it could only last so long before we had to separate to find the others. . . .

I went to Spain to find Seven, and I found even more, including a tenth member of the Garde who escaped from Lorien alive. Ella is younger than the rest of us, but just as brave. Now we’re looking for the others—including John.

But so are they.

They caught Number One in Malaysia.
Number Two in England.
And Number Three in Kenya.
They caught me in New York—but I escaped.
I am Number Six.
They want to finish what they started.

But they’ll have to fight us first.

Gue penggemar seri ini dan tentunya berharap banget dikasih kado buku ini sama Secret Santa.

Yang mau ikutan Wishful Wednesday gampang banget, klik aja host-nya Astrid.

Selamat hari Rabu.


Pic credit here

[Book Review] Radiance: Death Can Be Cute


Author: Alyson Noël
Publisher: Square Fish
Release Date: August 30, 2010
Pages: 183

Radiance is a cute book about death and afterlife. Buku ini ringan tapi sarat makna.
Pertama: tentang kematian yang digambarkan Alyson Noel, penulisnya, sama sekali tidak menakutkan.

Riley Bloom left her sister, Ever, in the world of the living and crossed the bridge into the afterlife—a place called Here, where time is always Now. Riley and her dog, Buttercup, have been reunited with her parents and are just settling into a nice, relaxing death when she’s summoned before The Council. They let her in on a secret—the afterlife isn’t just an eternity of leisure; Riley has to work. She’s been assigned a job, Soul Catcher, and a teacher, Bodhi, a curious boy she can’t quite figure out.

Riley, Bodhi, and Buttercup return to earth for her first assignment, a Radiant Boy who’s been haunting a castle in England for centuries. Many Soul Catchers have tried to get him to cross the bridge and failed. But he’s never met Riley.

Riley yang sewaktu hidup tidak puas dengan dirinya dan selalu menjadi bayang-bayang kakaknya, Ever, baru tersadar akan sikapnya yang annoying setelah ia meniggal.

Berbekal pengalaman sewaktu hidup, Riley berhasil membujuk the Radiant boys, kakak-beradik badung yang gentayangan di kastil. Riley dan mentornya, Bodhi, diminta untuk menangkap arwah penasaran agar kembali ke dunianya. Mereka dinamakan Soul Catcher

Buku ini walau untuk ABG, masih cocok dibaca oleh segala usia. Kematian bukan hal yang menakutkan.
Gue bahkan ngakak di beberapa bagian. Penggambaran Here and Now juga jelas, terbukti penulisnya memang riset terlebih dahulu tenang kematian dan kehidupan setelah mati. Yang paling seru adalah saat Riley dan Bodhi terbang di kota London. Magnificent!

Surely I will buy all the series ^^


Happy reading,


Book Beginnings on Fridays #1


Book Beginnings on Fridays is a Bookish Friday meme hosted by Rose City Reader.

Please join me every Friday to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires. Please remember to include the title of the book and the author’s name.

TWITTER: If you are on Twitter, please tweet a link to your post using the has tag #BookBeginnings. My Twitter handle is @GilionDumas.

I’m currently reading So I Married The Anti Fan and Radiance.
But I’m gonna pick Radiance for today’s post.


Gue beli di Periplus bagian bargain books, dan dapat harga super murah. Kebetulan sebelumnya dapat juga buku Shimmer, Riley Bloom Series buku kedua. Dan Radiance adalah buku pertama dari seri tersebut. Gue belum beres baca buku ini (hampir selesai sih), tapi so far so good. Gue suka buku ini walau buku untuk adalah bacaan middle-schoolers.

The first sentence of the book:

Most people think that death is the end.

First impression: tentu ini buku tentang kematian/afterlife. Dalam Immortal Series-nya Alyson Noel, Riley diceritakan tewas karena kecelakaan bersama kedua orang tua dan anjingnya, Buttercup. Sementara kakaknya, Ever, hidup sebatang kara.

Back to Radiance, Riley yang mati muda (usia 12 tahun) diberi tugas oleh the Council di akhirat untuk kembali ke dunia bersama Buttercup dan Bodhi, a dork, untuk mengantar roh penasaran kembali ke jembatan menuju Here.

Banyak adegan lucu juga di buku ini yang bikin gue ngakak membayangkan peristiwa ghost busting benar-benar terjadi, juga saat Riley yang terlelap kaget waktu sadar ia digencet dua orang dewasa yang tidur di ranjang.

Apakah gue akan lanjut baca seri ini? Definitely. Gue juga lagi hunting Immortal Series.

Share juga buku yang lagi kamu baca ya.

Happy Friday,


Wishful Wednesday 1: Evermore


Gue baru tahu ada postingan Wishful Wednesday dari Astrid Lim. Baiklah, gue akan share buku yang gue incer.


Sebagai book hunter, gue udah keliling Indonesia Book Fair dan menemukan 2 buku Alyson Noel: Shimmer (Riley Bloom Series) & Dark Flame (Immortal Series). Karena seri lain ga ada, gue beringsut ke Periplus PIM untuk mencoba peruntungam di sana. Akhirnya gue dapat Radiance (Riley Bloom Series) & Night Star (Immortal Series). Gemes banget karena ga dapat bukunya secara berurutan. Jadi gue ngebet banget kepengin dapat Evermore.

The first book in Alyson Noël’s extraordinary new Immortals series. Enter an enchanting new world, where true love never dies…

After a horrible accident claims the lives of her family, sixteen-year-old Ever Bloom can see people’s auras, hear their thoughts, and know someone’s entire life story by touching them. Going out of her way to avoid human contact to suppress her abilities, she has been branded a freak at her new high school — but everything changes when she meets Damen Auguste.

Damen is gorgeous, exotic and wealthy. He’s the only one who can silence the noise and random energy in her head – wieling a magis so intense, it’s as though he can peer straight into her soul. As Ever is drawn deeper into his enticing world of secrets and mystery, she’s left with more questions than answers. And she has no idea just who he really is – or what he is. The only thing she knows to be true is that she’s falling deeply and helplessly in love with him.

Alangkah bahagianya if my wish came true, ada yang menghadiahkan buku ini untuk gue *wink wink*.

What’s your wishful Wednesday?

Yuk share Wishful Wednesday-mu:
1. Silakan follow blog Books To Share – atau tambahkan di blogroll/link blogmu =)
2. Buat posting mengenai buku-buku (boleh lebih dari 1) yang jadi inceran kalian minggu ini, mulai dari yang bakal segera dibeli, sampai yang paling mustahil dan hanya sebatas mimpi. Oya, sertakan juga alasan kenapa buku itu masuk dalam wishlist kalian ya!
3. Tinggalkan link postingan Wishful Wednesday kalian di Mr. Linky (klik saja tombol Mr. Linky di bagian bawah post). Kalau mau, silakan tambahkan button Wishful Wednesday di posting kalian.
4. Mari saling berkunjung ke sesama blogger yang sudah ikut share wishlistnya di hari Rabu =)

Pic credits:

here and here