Bookish Top Ten 3: Best Book Covers


Don’t judge a book by its cover. Pepatah yang sering didengungkan oleh orang-orang. But I do judge a book by its cover. Siapa yang nggak tertarik lihat cover buku yang super keren? Pasti ngiler pengen beli terus dibaca kan? Selain itu, buku dengan cover cantik pasti membuat rak buku jadi makin cantik, juga bikin kita bangga untuk memamerkannya pada semua orang.

Here’s my TOP 10 Best Book Covers.


What’s your Top 10 Best Book Covers?

Share di Mister Linky di bawah ya.

Untuk bulan depan promptnya adalah:

Your TOP 10 Tearjerkers

Sampai ketemu bulan depan ^^


About lustandcoffee

Hello, my name is Rachael and welcome to my blog. I'm a reader, as well as a book reviewer on various social media platforms. I love thriller, historical fiction, literature, a little bit of fantasy should be ok but mostly I read realistic fiction. I love traveling with my family and sitting near by the window on a rainy day with a cup of tea.

Posted on November 10, 2013, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 13 Comments.

  1. suka yang moonwalking with einsten.
    rrRr.. itu cover yang terakhir bikin inget film Patch Adams -,-

  2. tearjerker apa Kak Yuska? bikin nangis kah?

  3. Itu yang American Nerd cakep banget covernya!!

  4. the assassin’s curse itu bikin mupeng

  5. yeay ikut perdana 🙂
    iya nih mbak, aku penasaran, Tearjerkers itu apaan ya?

  6. Cover no. 10 wow banget *tutup muka* XD

  7. aahhh.. gua sukaa dhe ukir2an di wetlands, kereenn 😀

  1. Pingback: Bookish Top Ten (3): Best Book Covers | Bacaan B.Zee

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